Display connected wallet
Most commonly after a user in your dApp connects to a wallet, we should display the wallet the user is connected to, you can do it like so:
import { useShuttle } from "@delphi-labs/shuttle";import { useNetworkStore } from "./store";function Header() { const currentNetworkId = useNetworkStore((state) => state.currentNetworkId); const { connect, providers, getWallets } = useShuttle(); const wallet = getWallets({ chainId: currentNetworkId })[0]; return ( <> {wallet && ( <> <p>Address: {wallet.account.address}</p> </> )} {!wallet && ( <> {providers.map((provider) => { return ( <button key={provider.id} onClick={() => connect({ providerId: provider.id, chainId: currentNetworkId, }) } disabled={!provider.initialized} > {provider.name} </button> ); })} </> )} </> );}
We are using the getWallets
helper method that useShuttle
exposes, if your dApp isn't multi chain you can just use recentWallet
import { useShuttle } from "@delphi-labs/shuttle";function Header() { const { /* ... */, recentWallet } = useShuttle(); return ( <> {recentWallet && ( <> <p>Address: {recentWallet.account.address}</p> </> )} {!recentWallet && ( /* ... */ )} </> );}