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Disconnect from wallet

In order to disconnect from a specific wallet we need to call the disconnectWallet method.

import { useShuttle } from "@delphi-labs/shuttle";
function Header() {
const currentNetworkId = useNetworkStore((state) => state.currentNetworkId);
const { /* ... */, getWallets, disconnectWallet } = useShuttle();
const wallet = getWallets({ chainId: currentNetworkId })[0];
return (
{wallet && (
<p>Address: {wallet.account.address}</p>
<button onClick={() => disconnectWallet(wallet)}>Disconnect</button>
{!wallet && (
/* ... */

We could also use a more generic method, disconnect which if your dApp isn't multi chain makes it a lot simpler, it also allows you to pass in a filter object in case you want to disconnect all chainId: "mars-1" or providerId: "keplr" wallets.

import { useShuttle } from "@delphi-labs/shuttle";
function Header() {
const { /* ... */, recentWallet, disconnect } = useShuttle();
return (
{recentWallet && (
<p>Address: {recentWallet.account.address}</p>
<button onClick={() => disconnect()}>Disconnect</button>
{/* ... */}