Defines the network configuration object:
type Network = { name: string; chainId: string; chainPrefix?: string; rpc: string; rest: string; gasPrice?: string; bip44?: BIP44; defaultCurrency?: NetworkCurrency; stakeCurrency?: NetworkCurrency; feeCurrencies?: NetworkCurrency[]; features?: string[]; bech32Config?: Bech32Config; evm?: { deriveCosmosAddress: (address: string) => string; fromEthChainToCosmosChain: (chainId: number) => string; };};
, feeCurrencies
If you don't provide a currency configuration, defaultCurrency
will be used to configure all other currency types. If a defaultCurrency
is not provided, the wallet provider's default will be used.
If you don't provide a bech32Config
, one will be generated for you based on the chainPrefix
. If a chainPrefix
default is not provided, the wallet provider's default will be used.
If you don't define the evm
configuration, the network will not support the evm compatbile features.
Defines the bech32 configuration object:
export type Bech32Config = { bech32PrefixAccAddr: string; bech32PrefixAccPub: string; bech32PrefixValAddr: string; bech32PrefixValPub: string; bech32PrefixConsAddr: string; bech32PrefixConsPub: string;};
Defines the bip44 configuration object:
export type BIP44 = { coinType: number;};
Defines the network currency configuration object:
export type NetworkCurrency = { coinDenom: string; coinMinimalDenom: string; coinDecimals: number; coinGeckoId?: string; gasPriceStep?: { low: number; average: number; high: number; };};