The react context provider, which is used to configure the shuttle package.
import { ShuttleProvider } from "@delphi-labs/shuttle";// ...function App() { return ( <ShuttleProvider providers={[]} mobileProviders={[]} persistent persistentKey={"shuttle"} store={customStore} withLogging > {/* ... */} </ShuttleProvider> );}
providers: WalletProvider[]
The array that defines which extension wallet providers are available.
mobileProviders: WalletProvider[]
The array that defines which mobile wallet providers are available.
persistent?: boolean
Defines whether it should persist the wallet connections or not.
persistentKey?: string
The key that defines the key used in local storage.
store?: ShuttleStore
The store that shuttle should use instead of it's own internal store.
withLogging?: boolean
Defines whether shuttle should log warnings when initializing providers.